004 idea004 idea cel
DOGO Apilador AutomáticoDOGO Apilador Automático cel
Corta Eslingas de Big BagsCorta Eslingas de Big Bags cel

Smart solutions for the polypropylene raffia industry.

New! Big Bag Sewing Machines

FIBC sewing machines, specifically designed for the production of Big Bags

Machines for BigBag / Bulk Bags
Machines for making, printing and pressing Big Bags, FIBCs or Super Sacks.

Machines for Small Bags
Machines for making, printing and pressing small bags, sacks, flat bags.

Designing and producing high quality, robust and simple equipment.

We are specialists in machinery for the Polypropylene Raffia, Sacks and Big Bags, Tonsacks, Jumbosacks, FIBCS, Supersacks, and Bulk Bags industry.
Machines to manufacture polypropylene sacks and super sacks.

Present at the most important world fairs

Chicago, IL USA

Present at ExpoPack

Present at Andina Pack

Present at Expo Guadalajara

Factory and Administration in the Argentine Republic
Street 51 Nº1120, entre 23 y 24. Colón, Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Phone: 00 54 2473 431065
WhatsApp Sales:  Diego Civitillo +54 9 2473 40-5407

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